As many of you know, on October 11th, I celebrated seven, that's right, seven decades (70 years) on God's earth.
Well, for the past two weeks, I've been fighting an affliction. Immediately after experiencing this attack, I began faithfully reading my healing scriptures and taking daily communion for about a week. No results. Fear was added to the discomfort. Friends, I wish I didn't have to tell you this but you need to hear the whole story.
I laid aside the communion and went to the drugstore for some over the counter meds. When those didn't work, I went to the doctor for a prescription. When that didn't work, I went to the health food store for some herbal intervention, which only helped slightly.
I was feeling like the woman with the issue of blood in Matt. 9:20,KJV:
"And, behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him, and touched the hem of his garment."
Finally, I got some sense. I got on my face and cried out to the Lord with all of my heart and soul. I touched the hem of His garment, rebuked the fear, and thanked Him for my healing. That's when God impressed upon me to put a demand on the healing anointing. The word "demand" means "a seeking or state of being sought after."
Friends, we must press forward despite obstacles to get to the place where the anointing is and EXPECT it to fall on us.
In his book, Prayers That Bring Healing, John Eckhardt says, "Too often God's people do not receive miracles and healing because they do not place a demand on the anointing. They don't push forward because they don't expect that something miraculous will happen."
I believe that I am "Walking in the Miraculous Mary." And I will not allow the devil to steal my healing. The Lord is my EXPECTATION (Psa. 62:5) and I EXPECT to be healed in Jesus' Name.
This is my affirmation and I'm sticking to it.
God has many ways to heal us.
For example:
Healing through the laying on of hands (Luke 4:40)
Healing through deliverance (Matt.8:16)
Healing through breaking curses (Gal.3:13)
Healing through anointing oil (Mark 6:13)
Healing through faith (Mark 11:23)
Healing through virtue or touch (Mark 5:29-30)
Healing through the presence of God (Luke 5:17)
Healing through prayer (Matt 21:22)
Healing through the gift of healing (I Cor. 12:9,28)
Healing through fasting (Isa.58:8)
Healing through the word (Psa.107:20)
Healing through clothes/clothing (Acts 9:11)
Now, do your Bible study and don't let no devil in hell or doctor on earth say you can't be healed. Expect to be healed.
WRITTEN BY: Dr. Mary Edwards
Edwards is an ordained minister in Detroit; has been a community activist for over 30 years, author, book coach and editor. She is featured in “Who's Who is Black Detroit” for her publishing efforts. Founder of The Called and Ready Writers and Widows With Wisdom, she was Voted “One of the Most Influential Women in Metropolitan Detroit. Friends call her “The Holy Hookup Lady.”