Let’s begin this message with a common emotion: FEAR!
Have you ever had an MRI? What's an MRI? Here's the technical definition:
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR), sometimes known as cardiac MRI, is a medical imaging technology for the non-invasive assessment of the function and structure of the cardiovascular system. It is derived from and based on the same basic principles as Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI. Now let me give you my definition:
It's a BODY SCAN. You go through this tube and a machine scans parts of your body for detect malfunctions.
One day I had to have one. I was terrified. The day before I was scheduled to go to the hospital for the procedure, I was a nervous wreck. On the day of the dreaded appointment, I arrived a few minutes late. I had my Bible, prayer partner, AND my prayer blanket in tow.
I was taken to the procedure room where I immediately stared into the face of a monster. It was the MRI machine. Nervously, I sat on the side of the bed as the attendants prepared to place me in the monster 'tube.' One of the attendants put earplugs into my ears and then asked me a stupid question, "Are you comfortable?" "No, I responded. I'm terrified." To their credit, they made vain attempts to calm me down. Still shaking like a leaf, I laid down on the bed waiting for that awful moment when they would move me into the tube. I felt like someone headed for the electric chair. It was to be a 15-minute test. The reason for the earplugs is because of the incredible noise that would be coming from the MRI machine. They placed a squeeze ball in my hand, just in case of an "emergency." I was ready at that very moment to squeeze the life out of the ball. The motor started and off I went into the monster tube. They reminded me to keep my eyes closed. They had no need to do that. I wasn't about to open my eyes.
Prayer began immediately upon entering the tube. God spoke back and told me that I was in "a tunnel of love with Him." When I heard His sweet voice, I was reassured that I would survive this ordeal. Then the humming sound from the MRI machine started. That was followed by another loud noise. It sounded like a machine gun - rat-a-tat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat-rat-a-tat-tat. My sanctified imagination saw an image of Jesus with an Uzi. That's what was making the rat-a-tat noise. He was shooting down the demons of fear! "Get 'em Jesus. Get 'em!" I shouted with glee. Oh, what a glorious sight my closed eyes beheld as I looked in the spirit and saw my Savior cutting down my enemy - FEAR!
Before I knew it, the attendants were pulling me out of the tube. I had a big smile on my face. They thought it was because the ordeal was over. But I knew it was because I had just had a Divine Encounter with Jesus and His Uzi.
WRITTEN BY: Dr. Mary Edwards
Edwards is an ordained minister in Detroit; has been a community activist for over 30 years, author, book coach and editor. She is featured in “Who's Who is Black Detroit” for her publishing efforts. Founder of The Called and Ready Writers and Widows With Wisdom, she was Voted “One of the Most Influential Women in Metropolitan Detroit. Friends call her “The Holy Hookup Lady.”